Ex­ecep­tions for Small Com­pute Pro­ject at PC2

The following exceptions are possible for small compute time projects:

  1. If the principal investigator is a member of a university (including Fachhochschulen and HAWs) in North-Rhine-Westphalia that doesn't have it's own compute center, then a small project is possible.
  2. If the projects has a special emphasis on FPGA acceleration of HPC codes then any academic researcher (worldwide) can apply. 
  3. If the resources are needed for teaching (courses, Bachelor or Master thesis) then members of Paderbron university as well as members of a university (including Fachhochschulen and HAWs) in North-Rhine-Westphalia that doesn't have it's own compute center, can get a small project with the limitations listed in the access table.

The remaining requirements (PI has Ph.D an so on) still apply.