NHR-Con­fe­rence | 18.09.23 - 20.09.23 | Ber­lin

The first NHR Conference ’23 will take place in Berlin (Scientific Part 18 - 19 Sept. 2023)

The aim of the scientific conference is to bring together HPC users working on selected topics, varying each year. For this year, the topics are:

  • Atomistic Simulation
  • Life Science
  • Agent-based Simulation

With top-class keynote speakers and further lectures on this year’s scientific topics, the conference will provide the basis for a scientific exchange beyond disciplinary boundaries. By presenting your research in a talk or poster, you are invited to initiate discussions with other scientists. NHR is made for science and so you are asked to provide impetus to make NHR meet your needs. Consulting, and operator staff will participate in the program, and there will be lots of opportunities for one-on-one meetings as well as panel discussions.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Mohammed AlQuraishi | Columbia University New York
  • Rob Axtell | George Mason University College of Science
  • Helmut Grubmüller | MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen
  • Karissa Sanbonmatsu | Los Alamos National Laboratory

More info and registration: https://events.uni-paderborn.de/e/nhrconference


Important dates :
July 31, 2023 Abstract Submission Deadline (250 words)

Aug 15, 2023 Registration Deadline

Sep 18-19, 2023 Scientific Conference

Sep 20, 2023 Additional Internal NHR-day