In­vi­ta­ti­on to PC² User Mee­ting 2021

The next PC² User Meeting will be held on November 10, 2021 and we cordially invite all interested persons to join the event. The meeting will be held in a virtual fashion while trying to keep it as interactive as possible.

PC² is currently undergoing an extensive upgrade in terms of hardware, software, and manpower. With that in mind, we want to give our users an overview of what is currently and in the near future possible at PC². This year we will focus in particular on our new services.

The new system Noctua 2 has already been purchased and will be installed at the end of the year. After a short test phase, Noctua 2 will go online in the first quarter of 2022. At the same time we will shut down our old system OCuLUS.

The transition from OCuLUS to Noctua 1 / Noctua 2 should be as smooth as possible for all PC² users. Hence, we will present and discuss our plans in the transition period in terms of the computing time application process and software migration.

Further, we will talk about the new HPC services, which have been created in the context of the National High-Performance Computing Centers Association (NHR), such as HPC training courses or HPC consulting services.

The current and prospective new user will have time for in-depth questions and discussion with PC² administration staff and PC² HPC advisors

Program and Registration

Please register for the event at

The event is free of charge and open to everyone. Hence, please feel
free to disseminate this information to other project members and other
interested parties.