Sys­tem Ac­cess

Scientists at German universities can apply at the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, PC2, for free access to our supercomputers for research purposes as part of the German National HPC alliance (NHR) network. In addition, there are simplified access routes for users from Paderborn University and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as options for international users. The following information will help you to find the right way to apply for access. If in doubt, our support team will also be happy to help you. 

If you need information for a existing compute project (project extensions, reports, etc.), please see the information page for existing projects.

What we of­fer


In our high-performance clusters we provide
✓ Top-of-the-line AMD CPUs
✓ GPU accelerators
└─ 108x NVIDIA H100
└─ 128x NVIDIA A100
└─ 36x NVIDIA A40
✓ FPGA accelerators
└─ 54x Xilinx Alveo U280
└─ 36x Intel Stratix 10
✓ Extensive storage
✓ Low-latency high-bandwidth networks

Find out about our systems.


A large set of common research software is already preinstalled and can be extended with your software needs. We help you with setting up custom software needs, even in special software cases. Find out more about HPC software on our clusters.


Our advisors can help you with on-boarding, setup, project structure, optimisation and much more. HPC beginners learn the ropes in our courses. In case of problems, contact our support team. Find out how we can help you using our systems.

Steps in Ap­p­lic­a­ti­on Pro­­cess

If you want to apply for computing time resources, you can go through the following steps. If you look for specific information, you see a summary of the contents for each step.

Step 1: Check the prerequisites if you meet the criteria for applying for resources

  • Formal regulations
  • List of FAQs

Step 2: Check your resource needs to find the right project type

  • Types of projects
  • Yearly resource budgets
  • Project prerequisites

Step 3: Apply for resources

  • Submission process
  • Guides to apply
  • Templates for detailed description
  • Examples for hypothetical projects

Step 4: The project proposal is reviewed

  • Technical and scientific review process

Step 5: After positive review, the project starts

  • Typical duration to project start
  • First steps for existing projects

Re­ach out to us

If you still have open questions or need support, please