Ea­sy Ac­cess to our HPC Sys­tems

 |  Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2)

Since October 2023, the PC2 offers a new service for all employees of the University of Paderborn, which greatly simplifies access to the HPC systems of the PC2.
This makes it possible to quickly and informally use the resources of the PC2 for testing purposes. At a later date, this service will also be available for students.

After applying, you will receive an email with all the necessary information within a day. So far we grant access to the Noctua 1 system, other systems may follow.

There are 100 GByte of disk space on the parallel file system available for everyone. 
Per month 500 CPU core hours and 5 GPU hours can be used and the entire available Software stack of the PC2 is available.

The service can be easily requested and cancelled through the IMT Service Portal (https://serviceportal.uni-paderborn.de/).
One navigates to "User Management" → "Other Services" and activates "HPC Easy Access (PC2)".

If one wants to use resources beyond this, a compute time project can be requested.

Further information:


business-card image

Dr. Jens Simon

Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2)

Leiter HPC-Betrieb

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-1731