Noc­tua 1 - Tech­nic­al de­scrip­tion

System Cray CS500
Processor Cores 10,880
Total Main Memory 51 TiB
Floating-Point Performance CPU: 841 TFLOPS DP Peak (535 TFLOPS Linpack)
Cabinets 5 racks - active backdoor cooling,
1 rack - air cooling
Compute Nodes

256 nodes, each with

    • 2x Intel Xeon Gold "Skylake" 6148, 2.4 GHz

    • 40 cores

    • 192 GiB main memory

GPU Nodes

18 nodes, each with

    • 2x Intel Xeon Gold "Skylake" 6148(F), 2.4 GHz

    • 40 cores

    • 192 GiB main memory

    • 2x NVIDIA A40, each 48 GB GDDR6, 10,752 CUDA cores, 336 Tensor cores

Communication Network CPUs Intel Omni Path 100 Gbps, 1:1.4 blocking factor
Storage System Cray ClusterStor L300N with NXD flash accelerator
Lustre File System with 720 TB capacity