Re­view­er Guide

The scientific review of NHR-compute time proposals at PC2 is handled via an electronic review system. Also the compute-time proposal and additional documents are provided via this system. 

The review process is a single-blind review. The reponses in the review (except the feedback to the applicant) are only available to the resource allocation board (RAB) of PC2 and the NHR Nutzungsausschuss.

In case of any kind of questions please contact

In the review invitation you will get a url that includes the access to the electronic review system.

The review process includes the following steps:

1. Agree­ment to cre­ate a re­view and ac­cept­ance of con­flict of in­terest rules

You can access the list of conflict of interest rules here

2. The notes from the tech­nic­al re­view are shown and the pro­pos­al doc­u­ment can be down­loaded

3. The qual­its of the pro­pos­al is as­sessed with as­traight-for­ward rat­ing of dif­fer­ent as­pects

4. The re­ques­ted amount of re­sources is as­sessed

5. (op­tion­al) Feed­back for the ap­plic­ant can be provided