The following simplifications for normal or large project proposals are allowed:

Multi-year Pro­jects

  • By default a project will run for one year. Multi-year projects are possible.
  • If you apply for a multi-year project:
    • You have to submit a proposal only once.
    • The resource limits of normal and large projects apply on a yearly basis, i.e. a normal project is possible for up to 20 Mio. CPU-core hours per year and up to 100.000 GPU-hours per year.
    • It is assumed that the resources are the same for every year. If this is not the case please describe it in the detailed description and give the average resources in the online forms.
    • A short report on the progress is required till the end of every year. The template can be found at templates.

Sim­pli­fied Ex­ten­sions of Pro­jects

  • A project can be extended by up to 25% in runtime and resources with a short Email from the principal investigator of the project (PI) to with the reason for an extention and the required extention length.
  • In case you want to extend your project by more than 25% a new proposal is required but the online form can be copied from the provious proposal and the detailed project description is much shorter. The template can be found at templates.

Pro­ject was already sci­en­tific­ally re­viewed

  • Since Call 2023-3 only for NHR-normal (not large) projects!
  • If your reserach project has already been reviewed scientifically by a German federal ministry (BMBF, BMWK, BMUV, BMEL,...), DFG, GCS, European Union (EU projects), Volkswagen Stiftung, or another NHR center. If unsure or unclear if this applies please contact us.
  • If you choose to use this simplification, then the detailed project description is much shorter because the scientific aspects have already been reviewed anyway. The template can be found at templates.
  • The simplified review will shorten the time from the submission of your project proposal to the start of the project.
  • Please send us the the following information in addition to the simplified project description:
    • the project proposal that was scientifically reviewed and tell us which sections are relevant. You are free to remove the aspects that are not relevant for the scientific description of the project, e.g. other work packages. Although no lengthy scientific review is required in this case, we still might have to inquire from external referees if the requested compute resources are suitable for this project because this aspect is often not explicitly reviewed. Thus, the project proposal you send us might be made available to the referees to get an idea which kind of calculations you plan to do.
    • the project information like project name, project id and so on.

Us­ing a well-known pro­grams

If you use a program that is on our list of well-known codes, then you don't have to include a scaling analysis in the detailed description.

The following table lists simulation programs which are well known at PC2 and don't require a scaling analysis in the detailed project description. Still, a description of the specific methods used is required in the application for computing time to enable a technical review.

Please note that this list is continuously extended and updated.

As of January 2024:

  • Chemistry/solid-state-physics/atomistic simulations:
    • CP2K
    • VASP
    • Quantum Espresso
    • Abinit
    • CP-PAW
    • Amber
    • Gromacs
    • GPAW
    • Dalton
    • ORCA
    • FHI-aims
    • Gamess
    • LAMMPS
    • ls1 mardyn
    • ms2
    • Lumen
    • NAMD
    • NWChem
    • Octopus
    • Psi4
    • Salmon
    • Turbomole
    • Yambo
    • Fleur
  • Engineering
    • Abaqus
    • ANSYS CFX/Fluent
    • CST Microwave
    • Adams
    • Comsol
    • LS-Dyna
    • OpenFOAM
    • StarCCM
    • Abaqus
  • High-energy physics:
  • FPGA Development Tools
    • Vitis
    • Intel OneAPI FPGA Toolkit
    • OpenCL SDK for FPGAs
  • Machine Learning
    • PyTorch
    • Tensorflow/Keras
    • DeepSpeed
    • Jax

Using one or multiple of these simplification will not affect the chance of granting your proposal or the granted compute resources in a negative way.