Books and Chapters


Compute Centers I: Heterogeneous Execution Environments

T. Hansmeier, T. Kenter, M. Meyer, H. Riebler, M. Platzner, C. Plessl, in: C.-J. Haake, F. Meyer auf der Heide, M. Platzner, H. Wachsmuth, H. Wehrheim (Eds.), On-The-Fly Computing -- Individualized IT-Services in Dynamic Markets, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, 2023, pp. 165–182.

Shallow Water DG Simulations on FPGAs: Design and Comparison of a Novel Code Generation Pipeline

C. Alt, T. Kenter, S. Faghih-Naini, J. Faj, J.-O. Opdenhövel, C. Plessl, V. Aizinger, J. Hönig, H. Köstler, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.


Evaluating the Design Space for Offloading 3D FFT Calculations to an FPGA for High-Performance Computing

A. Ramaswami, T. Kenter, T. Kühne, C. Plessl, in: Applied Reconfigurable Computing. Architectures, Tools, and Applications, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.

HighPerMeshes – A Domain-Specific Language for Numerical Algorithms on Unstructured Grids

S. Alhaddad, J. Förstner, S. Groth, D. Grünewald, Y. Grynko, F. Hannig, T. Kenter, F.-J. Pfreundt, C. Plessl, M. Schotte, T. Steinke, J. Teich, M. Weiser, F. Wende, in: Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops, Cham, 2021.




A. Agne, M. Platzner, C. Plessl, M. Happe, E. Lübbers, in: D. Koch, F. Hannig, D. Ziener (Eds.), FPGAs for Software Programmers, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016, pp. 227–244.

Self-aware Compute Nodes

A. Agne, M. Happe, A. Lösch, C. Plessl, M. Platzner, in: Self-Aware Computing Systems, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016, pp. 145–165.


Verschiebungen an der Grenze zwischen Hardware und Software

M. Platzner, C. Plessl, in: J. Künsemöller, N.O. Eke, L. Foit, T. Kaerlein (Eds.), Logiken strukturbildender Prozesse: Automatismen, Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn, 2014, pp. 123–144.


Autonomous Resource Management in Dynamic Data Centers

O. Niehörster, Autonomous Resource Management in Dynamic Data Centers, Shaker, Aachen, Germany, 2013.


Hardware Virtualization on Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded Processors

C. Plessl, M. Platzner, in: M. Khalgui, H.-M. Hanisch (Eds.), Reconfigurable Embedded Control Systems: Applications for Flexibility and Agility, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2011.


Open Source Middleware for Networked Embedded Systems towards Future Internet of Things

N. R. Prasad, M. Eisenhauer, M. Ahlsén, A. Badii, A. Brinkmann, K. Marius Hansen, P. Rosengren, in: H. Sundmaeker, P. Guillemin, P. Friess, S. Woelfflé (Eds.), Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things, European Commission, 2010, pp. 153–163.

Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA)

T.P. Plaks, D. Andrews, R. DeMara, H. Lam, J. Lee, C. Plessl, G. Stitt, eds., Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA), CSREA Press, 2010.


Computational Steering verteilter, interaktiver Materialflusssimulationen

C. Laroque, S. Lietsch, H. Zabel, in: Augmented & Virtual Reality in Der Produktentstehung, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn, Germany, 2008, pp. 221–239.

Proc. Int. Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os (SNAPI)

A. Brinkmann, R. Chamberlain, eds., Proc. Int. Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os (SNAPI), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2008.

Proceedings of the 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Virtualisierung

A. Brinkmann, H. Karl, eds., Proceedings of the 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Virtualisierung, Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, Paderborn University, 2008.


Provision of Fault Tolerance with Grid-enabled and SLA-aware Resource Management Systems

F. Heine, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, in: G.R. Jouberta, W.E. Nagel, F.J. Peters, O. Plata, F. Tirado, E.L. Zapata (Eds.), Parallel Computing: Current and Future Issues of High End Computing, 2006, pp. 113–120.

The Virtual Resource Manager: Local Autonomy versus QoS Guarantees for Grid Applications

L.-O. Burchard, F. Heine, H.-U. Heiss, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, B. Linnert, J. Schneider, in: V. Getov, D. Laforenza, A. Reinefeld (Eds.), Future Generation Grids, 2006, pp. 83–98.


SLA-aware Job Migration in Grid Environments

F. Heine, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, in: L. Grandinetti (Ed.), Grid Computing: New Frontiers of High Performance Computing, 2005, pp. 185–201.


Large-Scale SCI Clusters in Practice: Architecture and Performance in SCI

J. Simon, A. Reinefeld, O. Heinz, in: H. Hellwagner, A. Reinefeld (Eds.), SCI: Scalable Coherent Interface. Architecture and Software for High-Performance Compute Clusters, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 1999, pp. 367–381.

Multi-User System Management on SCI Cluster

M. Brune, A. Keller, A. Reinefeld, in: H. Hellwagner, A. Reinefeld (Eds.), SCI - Scalable Coherent Interface: Architecture and Software for High Performance Compute Clusters, 1999, pp. 443–460.

Specifying Resources and Services in Metacomputing Systems

M. Brune, J. Gehring, A. Keller, A. Reinefeld, in: R. Buya (Ed.), High-Performance Cluster Computing: Architecture and Systems, 1999, pp. 186–200.


Parallel CG Poisson Solver for PowerPC 601

S. Blazy, U. Dralle, J. Simon, in: PowerXplorer User Report - Applications and Projects on the Parsytec PowerXplorer Parallel Computer, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, 1995.


Problem Independent Distributed Simulated Annealing and its Applications

R. Diekmann, J. Simon, in: Applied Simulated Annealing, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 1993, pp. 17–44.

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