Call for Pro­pos­als 2022-2 Ac­cess to HPC Re­sources at PC²

Scientists qualified in their respective field of research can submit proposals for access to HPC resources operated by Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²). We offer multi-million core-hour projects on a recent generation of HPC systems with low-latency interconnect. PC² is one of nine compute centers in Germany in the NHR alliance (Nationales Hochleistungsrechnen). The main focus of Paderborn is on three important application compentence areas and their user communities: Atomistic SimulationsOptoelectronics and Quantum Photonics, and Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems. PC² operates its first NHR large scale HPC system with general availability with beginning of Q2 2022.

PC² provides a portfolio of preinstalled applications and offers support for software installation/configuration of project-specific applications. We advise our users on using the resources in an efficient way. In particular, we provide consulting services for users from computational chemistry and solid-state physics. Furthermore, PC² encourages approximate computing and the acceleration of applications with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA).

Important Dates

Opening date    

January 3rd, 2022

Closing date

February 4th, 2022

Scientific reviews of proposals

March 2022

Announcement of allocation decision

End of March 2022

Allocation period for awarded large proposals

April 2022 until March 2023

Detailed information on the available resources and how to apply can be found at Call for Proposal 2022-2

