
In­tro­duc­tion to Ju­lia for High Per­form­ance Com­put­ing

A three-day course on "Introduction to Julia for High Performance Computing" took place on Sept. 17 to 19, 2024. The course was a hybrid event with about 35 on-site participants and more than 50 online participants from all over Germany.

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Be­such­er­führung im HPC-Rechen­zen­trum der Uni­versität Pader­born

Große Rechenzentren sind aus unserem Alltag oft nicht mehr wegzudenken. Daten für Videokonferenzen, Livestreaming und Video-on-demand werden zum Beispiel Tag für Tag in riesigen Mengen verarbeitet und schnellstmöglich an Endgeräte übertragen. Unternehmen speichern und verarbeiten viele Daten, um uns unsere liebsten Services direkt auf Smartphone & Co. anbieten zu können. Auch die Forschung kann durch spezialisierte Rechenleistung unterstützt…

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PC2 Hosts Second Hack­a­thon to Tackle High-Per­form­ance Com­put­ing Chal­lenges

From the 26th to the 29th of August 2024, the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2) hosted its second annual hackathon, bringing together researchers with diverse scientific backgrounds to collaborate on innovative High-Performance Computing (HPC) projects.

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PC2 Hack­a­thon 2024: An­nounce­ment and Re­gis­tra­tion

After last year's positive experiences, the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2) invites you to this year's Hackathon 2024. Do you have a code that you would like to run more efficiently on our HPC systems? Or maybe an old code base that you would like to port to a modern HPC language such as Julia? Maybe you would like to establish an automated workflow with continuous integration and testing in your software project? Our PC2 hackathon…

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NHR Quantum Ma­chine Learn­ing Tu­tori­al at ISC'24

On 12th May 2024, the NHR Quantum Machine Learning Tutorial took place at ISC’24 in Hamburg. The tutorial was scheduled for a full-day and collaborated between three NHR centers in Germany: Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2), NHR-Nord@Göttingen, and NHR@ZIB.

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Work­shop: Ef­fi­cient Neur­al Net­work In­fer­ence on FP­GAs

On the 17th of April 2024, the second hands-on workshop to explore efficient neural network inference with FPGAs took place at the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2). The workshop was organized and hosted by PC2 in cooperation with the Computer Engineering Group of Paderborn University, both partners within the eki project.

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Re­design of Web­site

We have completely restructured and updated our website and migrated it to the university's new corporate design.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Johanna Pietsch): The contracts for the new HPC system have been signed. (front from left to right) Judith Schröter (Lenovo) and Simone Probst (Paderborn University), (back from left to right) Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl (Paderborn University) and Oliver Kill (pro-com).

Paderborn University is set to receive a high-performance computing (HPC) system from pro-com Datensysteme GmbH, featuring AMD's next-generation processors, 740 Lenovo compute nodes, and over 5 petabytes of IBM Spectrum Scale storage. This energy-efficient system, costing about 14 million Euros, will be used for nationwide research starting in 2025, and will enhance the university's current Noctua 2 system with double the computing…

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Sea­sons Greet­ings

We wish all our customers, cooperation partners and students happy holidays and look forward to continuing our collaboration in 2023.

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Work­shop: Ex­plor­ing Ef­fi­cient Neur­al Net­work In­fer­ence on FP­GAs with FINN

On the 12th December 2023, the first hands-on workshop to explore efficient neural network inference with FPGAs took place at the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2). The workshop was organized and hosted by PC2 in cooperation with the Computer Engineering Group of Paderborn University, both partners within the eki project.

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In­tro­duc­tion to Ju­lia for High Per­form­ance Com­put­ing 2023

Julia as a modern approach to high performance computing

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NHR-Com­pu­ta­tion­al Phys­ics Sym­posi­um 2023

The computational physics center of the National Alliance of High-Performance Computing (NHR) cordially invites everyone to the 2nd NHR Computational Physics Symposium.

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Easy Ac­cess to our HPC Sys­tems

New service for all employees of the University of Paderborn, which greatly simplifies access to the HPC systems.

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Invitation banner for PC2 User Day 2023

PC2 User Day 2023

The sixth annual PC2 User Day will be held on 20th of October, 2023. The meeting will take place on-site.

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Call for Pro­pos­als 2024-2: Ac­cess to HPC Re­sources at PC²

The fifteen Call for Proposals for HPC resources at PC² is now open (Call 2024-2).

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