
The third Call for Proposals for HPC resources at PC² is now open.

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Our paper "A Submatrix-Based Method for Approximate Matrix Function Evaluation in the Quantum Chemistry Code CP2K" has been accepted for publication at Supercomputing 2020. In close collaboration, members of the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Chemistry have extended the open source quantum chemistry code CP2K by an implementation of the submatrix method for approximate function…

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Pro­gress of the HPC data cen­ter con­struc­tion

The construction of our new HPC data center is making good progress. We are looking forward moving to the new building in 2021. Below, we share a time lapse video and a few impressions since the beginning of the construction in October 2019 (see article on beginning of construction).

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The NRW-wide HPC competence network ( aims at improving the available software, support, courses, and workshops for scientific and high-performance computing in NRW. For this purpose, we would like to learn more about your current problems, needs, and interests. We would be very grateful if you could fill out our survey at by June 26nd, 2020. The survey is anonymous, in English, and…

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Graphical representation of the largest periodic systems that can be simulated by means of CP2K at the periodic density functional level of theory using efficient cubic and novel linear scaling eigenvalue solver. Copyright: Prof. Dr. Rustam Khaliullin, AK Kühne now McGill University

In 2018, Prof. Christian Plessl (Chair for High-Performance IT Systems) and Prof. Thomas D. Kühne (Chair for Theoretical Chemistry) have been awarded the Paderborn University Research Award for their project "Green IT: Exact Computations with inexact but energy-efficient computers''. The objective of this interdisciplinary project was to study the feasibility of the "Approximate Computing" paradigm for scientific applications. The main idea is to…

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The system is optically excited with a laser with ring-shaped intensity profile. The quantum fluid building up in the center of the ring forms a vortex state. An additional short laser pulse is then used to invert the rotation direction of the vortex.

Computers process information based on arrays of so-called bits. Each bit can take the values of one or zero. This is typically realized with integrated electronic circuits permanently written onto a semiconductor chip. Researchers from Paderborn University and Technical University Dortmund have now realized an all-optical bit that is temporarily written into a planar semiconductor nanostructure only using light and that can also be reconfigured…

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Water is an essential substance for life. Above all, its large heat capacity makes oceans and seas huge heat stores for regulating the Earth's climate. In living organisms, the same property makes water an efficient heat buffer for the functioning of biochemical reactions. So-called hydrogen bridge bonds play a central role in this process. However, the energy flow in this complex network of bonds has not yet been fully investigated at the…

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Foto (Universität Paderborn): Die Teilnehmer*innen der internationalen Winterschule zu Elektronenstrukturrechnungen.

Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²) and the Dynamics of Condensed Matter Group of Paderborn University have organized a winter school on electronic structure calculations. In this school, participants learned how to perform efficient electronic structure calculations as well as ab-initio molecular dynamics calculations for molecules and solids.

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The second Call for Proposals for HPC resources at PC² is now open.

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On Decmber 12th, 2019 our yearly PC² User Meeting took place. User of PC² cluster from the fields of chemistry, physics, material science, engineering, computer science, digital hmanities, data science and more attended the meeting. To the right you can see some impressions of our user meeting during the talks and the poster session.

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The latest edition of the PC² research and service report is available for download now.

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The symbolic groundbreaking marks the beginning of a roughly two-year construction phase for a 2,500 m² building on the campus of Paderborn University. The new data center and research facility will house the next phase of the high-performance computer Noctua, one of the most powerful university high-performance computing (HPC) systems in Germany. The developer of the project is the Bielefeld branch of BLB NRW (public building and real estate…

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The events at Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²) in the next few months.

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The 9th Gauss-Alliance Conference on HPC (9. HPC-Status-Konferenz der Gauß-Allianz) will be held at PC² on Oct 17–18, 2019. The conference provides interdisciplinary exchange between researchers and users of HPC systems. HPC projects funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) or the BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) will present the current state of their projects. More information can be found on the Gauß-Allianz…

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The second Call for Proposals for HPC resources at PC² is now open.

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